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Hello from us! Here will be some articles that are by you. You don't have to go through confusing steps, all you need to do is e-mail us (on the contact button!)
with your article. You don't need to sign your name either, we value anonymous as much as your name! It could be research, what your environmental friendly school is doing, anything that could help educate fellow kidz. So what are you waiting for? You could see your article up here!

Articles About the Earth By You!



How Can You Help?

What you can do is simple. Every little thing is helpful to the environment. Whether it is picking up garbage, or telling people about recycling, everything you do counts. However, that also includes all the bad things, so stick to doing good for the environment!




Look at all this empty space! Fill it up by going to the contact button at the top. Then, contact us and write us with an article! :) 



-kalsdjhfbkdjrhvbinkfbsuyhoel -cirubyo3wied,lnirpeourhiovw4k







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